Thursday, October 31, 2024

Medusa VR Week 10

 This week I worked on:

  • Starting our organization of files and creating a system of naming conventions in a way that satisfies our needs as a team
  • Getting another pass on the gaze interaction to replace the rotation with the activation of a dynamic material
  • Creating proxy parent and child materials for our active props
I based the folder structure off of this style guide, with alterations to fit our team's needs. This will help us organize assets based off of their functions (art, programming, vfx), and within them, separating into subsections that will automatically sort by sticking to our naming conventions.

This is how our source art folder looks in perforce:

My goal for the next pass of my gaze interaction was to move away from rotation, and onto working with materials, as that will be necessary for the final product. I had a bit of trouble with it this round, as I had to change both the logic of how the gaze's activation works, and switching the kind of asset it affects.

In our 'Line Trace Forward' function, I added two functions for the material, 'Create Dynamic Material Instance' and 'Set Scalar Parameter Value on Materials'. We grab the parameter that holds the static mesh object which has the material assigned to it in the BP_GazeInteractableCube. I've done the same within the 'Basic Gaze' function. Then in the 'Activate' function, instead of the ShouldRotate value setting the rotation rate, I used it to swap between 0 and 1, depending on if it's true or false, which will be sent into the material's scalar parameter that I have multiplied against the base color.

Here are some proxy materials for our active props:

And finally this is the result of the blueprints during gameplay!

Here's the stuff in perforce!

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Lighting Workshop Week 2